The Many – Koshas

The human individual is a microcosmic specimen of the entire cosmos. The same layers of reality that form the universe are also present in the human in the form of Koshas or sheaths named annamaya koshapranamaya koshamanomaya koshavijnanamaya kosha and anandamaya kosha.

Annamaya kosha also called as food-sheath is mainly built up of the food that we eat. It is composed of solids, liquids and gases and corresponds to the visible part of the earth or the Pritvi tattva. This kosha forms the sthula-sharira or the dense body. The Pranamaya kosha or the Prana-sheath corresponds to the invisible part of our earth and is composed of ethers. Both these koshas belong to the Bhur-Loka.

The Mano-maya kosha or the mind-sheath is made of matter of two kinds and connected to two worlds – denser part which seat passions is connected with Bhuvar-loka where desire works and the finer part where emotions and thoughts dominate is connected with Svar(ga)-loka where thoughts work. This kosha is the upadhi of the lower mind or Manas which is impacted by Kama and filled with desires. Vijnanamaya kosha or the knowledge-sheath connects the Jiva with Mahar-loka and contains matter belonging to this loka. It is connected with a pure form of Manas which is free from Kama. These three koshas form the sukshma-sharira or the subtle body as stated in Devi Bhagavatham as follows.

“My subtle body (Linga Deha) arises from the union of the five Jñânendriyas, the five Karmendriyas (organs of action), the five Pranas and the mind and Buddhi, these seventeen elements”

Anandamaya Kosha or the Bliss-sheath is the innermost sheath and composed of materials of Jana, Tapo and Satya lokas. Jana loka is the abode of Kumaras who are characterized by pure wisdom unsullied by any desire. Ascetics and devotees live in Tapo loka and are characterized by Ananda or bliss. A jiva from Satya loka is closely allied to the nature of Brahma. This kosha corresponds to the karana-sharira of the jiva.

The Taittiriya Upanishad deals with these 5 koshas in a straight forward way. But it is the Mandukya Upanishad which deals with these koshas in the context of consciousness involved in these sheaths. We will see about this in the next post.